[Review] Frequently Asked Questions

2 min readApr 18, 2021


Q: Where is the “official price” of Warden Token?

A: The official price is on Info page, at the left panel, WAD price.

Q: Where is the “graph” of Warden Token?

A: https://dex.guru/token/0x0feadcc3824e7f3c12f40e324a60c23ca51627fc-bsc?fbclid=IwAR1QViohZDsjI_1OffMs-_2eq4v_0yUKPPj1YrbwBTpn3Xx_JNA-0Jj6Hgw

Q: Where is the “pair LP” price?

A: Input your public wallet address in the Apeboard.

Q: How can I have the “price bot”?

A: Please see the official price at the WardenSwap page. Though, the telegram price bot of WAD can be added Here.

Q: “How long” is this project?

A: The first smart contract has been submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2021–03–14 , please see the link.

Q: What is the “multiplier number “after LP token name?

Figure asked from an investor

A: The multiplier number is the weight of reward given to each LP, among all LP farm. However, this number does not guarantee you will have higher %APR than the other.

Q: What is about the “audit”?

A: As far as the Warden community knows, the audit is pending at CERTIK, due to congestion at CERTIK. However, the team will update the smart contract audit soon, as shown in the tweeter below.



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