[Review] How to stake/farm on WardenSwap
After previous article of adding LP tokens, in this article , we will present the step-by-step process on staking/farming in the WardenSwap.
The process of farming in WardenSwap
Farming on WardenSwap can be done by PC via Metamask and Mobile via Trust Wallet.
- At first, you should select which farming or LP token name you have already added the LP tokens.
- Connect WardenSwap https://farm.wardenswap.finance/farm with Metamask or TrustWallet.
In the last article, we explained how to add WAD-BUSD LP tokens. As a result, we will stake or farm on WAD-BUSD LP token name.
If you have never added the farms before, you have to enable and pay for the fee. Then, you press “Deposit” button. The pop-up below will appear.
In the above pop-up, you can specify the amount of LP tokens or select pre-defined percentage amount. If you want to farm all of the amount, then you press 100%. After that, you press “deposit” button in order to stake the LP tokens. There will be pop-up shown as follows:
In order to farm the LP tokens, you are required to pay for the Gas fee in BNB. If you have completely checked information, you can press “confirm” button on the right.
- After time goes by and you want to claim reward, you have to press “Harvest” button.
- If you want to terminate farming, you can press “Withdraw”. Then, the system will Remove LP and reclaim reward to the wallet.
- You can bring the reward tokens(WAD) to swap in the Best Rate Swap page.
- For the LP tokens removed, you can press “Remove LP token” button, as explained in the earlier article.
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