3 min readApr 17, 2021

[Review] The use of WardenSwap, the Best Rate Swap DEX on Binance Smart Chain

Today, we are going to introduce you to wardenswap, a decentrailized exchange focusing on the best-rate swap on Binance Smart Chain(BSC)

Wardenswap is the decentrailized exchange which is similar to Pancakeswap to exchange BEP20 token. If you have ever used PancakeSwap before, you will be familiar with the Wardenswap.

The process of swaping token on Wardenswap

Currently, you can use wardenswap through PC via metamask and mobile via trust wallet.

If you want to use the best-rate swap of Warden, you can enter and connect to wallet. Then, you should add WardenSwap Token contract address at the wallet by adding Customer Token with 0x0feadcc3824e7f3c12f40e324a60c23ca51627fc.

Once, you enter the WardenSwap DEX. On the Best Rate Swap page, you wil see the following swap window.

Warden Swap window

In this window, there are a number of focuses, required to describe in more detail.

  1. Number 1 and 4 are the currency/token pair and must be selected, prior to specifying the amount. In this example, we would like to buy WAD token by using BUSD.
  2. At number 2, you can specify the amount of BUSD to exchange for WAD token.
  3. Otherwise, you can specify the pre-defined percentage of token amount at number 3.
  4. Once, you have specified the amount at number 2. The amount of WAD you receive will automatically appear at number 4.
  5. At number 5, the price or exchange rate at the time is shown.
  6. At number 6, “Price impact” is very important. The higher the percentage of price impact, the lower the liquidity of the chosen pair is. Also, when you buy a large of amount of token in one time, you may face the large amount of price impact. As a result, you may buy a token at a higher price. We suggest that you may buy at proper amount in each time.
  7. At number 7, the “Best Rate Routing” section will show the selected routes of protocols. You should also make sure that the sum amount you receive in Best Rate Routing Section is equal to the amount at number 4. In this example, the sum of $0.9 and $0.1 is equal to $1.0 and equal to the amount at number 4, $1.0

Once, you have completed filling the information, you can press “Swap” button. The following window then appears:

Warden Confirm Swap window

According to the Warden Confirm Swap windows,

  1. You should carefully inspect the amount of token you pay and receive again. This should be comparable in US dollar, specified below the token unit. At number 1, the Maximum price slipage is the percentage of maximum difference of the amount you pay and receive. It is important to note that this % maximum price slippage should not be too high.
  2. At number 2, with the WardenSwap, if you hold at least 100 WAD token, you will get a free swap fee. So you save 0.1% fee every swap.
  3. At number 3, you should ensure that the price impace is not too high again. Once, you are confident with information shown, you can press “confirm swap” button

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